Silent Struggling is REAL


A little food for thought and reflection on this gloomy Monday.

Silent struggling is REAL. Could it be holding you back?

⚡️Newsflash, we all struggle. 
⚡️Next newsflash, most of us are struggling silently next to someone else challenged with the same things. 
⚡️Last newsflash (for now), your goals are not a ball and chain for you to drag through life…they are your ticket to being the best YOU. 

I reflect weekly on the interactions and calls I have with clients and so often there are topics, or issues, or struggles that stand out for us as a whole.  This week one of the things that stuck out like a sore thumb was the significant number of my clients working on healthy habits, working to better themselves and their bodies, and how alone they think they are

But guess what?! YOU. ARE. NOT ALONE.

Just this week alone I had three clients tell me of experiences where they were in an environment where they were abstaining from alcohol.  Showing up, ready to be the brave non-drinker, nonchalantly asking for their soda water (with lime of course).  Not wanting to draw attention to our individual journeys or to our assumed differences, we mute ourselves.  The common thread of each story was that a conversation ensued in each case where at least HALF of the other people in their group were also working toward healthier eating (and drinking) goals.   

My takeaway:

I can’t stop thinking about how many of us are out here, doing the work, thinking we are all by ourselves, under the assumption that we are all alone, when we may in fact be surrounded by endless opportunities to be supported or to support someone else. 

Life is beautiful, and challenging, and fun, and hard.  For everyone. 

💕And belonging is one of the greatest parts of the human experience. 

Give some thought to allowing yourself to share all of those experiences with those around you and see how many people are also headed to be their best, badass selves.  🔥


You Need Sleep. PERIOD.


Progress over Perfection